Friday, December 31, 2010

2010 in Review

Reading: Cosmo (I'm between books and, yes, it feels weird)

New years eve is a time when most of us remember all the resolutions we broke and all the things we didn't accomplish, rather than everything we have. So this year, armed with a mini-carton of ice cream and some awesome Wizard Rock, I'm going to do both.

Last New Years, I got home from a party with my friends and stood for a moment in my back yard. It was quiet and snowing and really quite beautiful and I wanted to enjoy it all. The picturesque snowy yard and the lingering high I get from laughing for hours with the people I love. I made my one and only resolution for the year then. I decided that this was going to be my year. I'd put all 2009's screw-ups behind me and start actually accomplishing something. Well, I sort of did. So without further ado - 2010 in review.

  • I moved out. It may not be Toronto, but still, it's a step in the right direction. I'm loving it too.

  • I got into the program I wanted. Unfortunately it was part-time in Ottawa and really not doable, but I also made it onto the waiting list for the full-time one in Toronto and that was more a timing thing than a lack of qualifications, so I'll try again this year.

  • I stopped worrying about my body. I've (mostly) learned to be content with how I look right now. Constantly worrying about it and trying to diet will never make me as happy as enjoying my food and learning to dress for, what I've accepted to be, my body type*.

  • I put Dumbledore up (twice). Years ago I got a huge Dumbledore poster circa CoS. It's got Richard Harris on it instead of Gambon and is one of those huge vynil things they hang in theatre lobby's for big openings. The bottom's still rolled up 'cause it's taller than my room and it creeps my sister out, but I love it none the less. It's probably the nerdyest thing I own and it's completely jokes. When I moved I had to take it down and only just got him back up this week.

  • I put all my messing about on Photoshop to good use and got it published. I joined the Publishing volunteer committee for Infinitus and helped design the program. It was more rushed than I expected, and involved late nights and a fair amount of frustration on all sides, and in the end a lot of it got changed, but my names in there and there's enough of my stuff to make feel feel proud when I look at it. Oh and about 2500 people recieved a copy so, y'know, it was pretty cool.
    PS. I no longer have any of the files since my computer got wiped. So, guess that's a con.

  • I went to Infinitus. I may still be paying for it, but I went. And it was amazing.

  • I discovered several new interests and generally embraced my nerdiness. I am so much more comfortable in my skin now and I wear my mens Griffindor sweater with pride (and carry my wand when the occasion calls for it).
So in short, not a bad year. I made changes, both big and small. I made some amazing new friends and I met someone I think I really like. So here's to 2011, let's hope it's as 2010.

♥ G

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